My Aesthetician Secret: How To Get Rid Of Blackheads

I’m obsessed with skincare, but my skin is combination with an oily t-zone, which means that while I have some dry patches around my mouth and forehead, I’ve typically been able to keep oiliness under control with lightweight moisturizers and clay masks. My aesthetician and I had agreed that I’d come back every four weeks for a new peel, since this was the first time I’d ever done it.

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So after getting a glycolic acid peel for the first time ever to give my skin a reboot, I noticed not just a glow (like you’d expect), but also a whole new level of dryness. A few days after my appointment, my skin started looking really dry. When I walked into her office, she immediately noticed how dry my skin looked and asked if I’d been getting peels somewhere else.

My aesthetician secret: how to get rid of blackheads.

Blackheads, also known as open comedones, are sometimes mistaken for pimples. Blackheads are a mild form of acne because they occur when skin cells build up in the pores and oxidize causing the dark color. It happens when dead skin cells get trapped in the opening of your pore and oxidize, turning black or brown due to air exposure which results in a blackhead. They are not dangerous but can cause discomfort if you have lots of them on your face. In most cases, they just appear on your nose but can also be found on other parts of your face including cheeks, chin and forehead.

Blackheads do not spread disease or infection so don’t worry about getting infected by other people’s blackheads; they aren’t contagious! If you notice that someone has many blackheads on their face then it is probably because they have oily skin which is difficult to control even with products like astringent cream etc., so try avoiding sharing makeup brushes with friends! Also if you think there might be some kind of medical condition causing this problem then consult with a dermatologist (a doctor specialized in treating diseases related to skin).

My aesthetician

I had a really great relationship with my aesthetician, so I asked her all about the process—the side effects, what to expect after each treatment, as well as how much it would cost.
I learned that a chemical peel is always done in stages to avoid over-exfoliation and irritation. My aesthetician and I had agreed that I’d come back every four weeks for a new peel, since this was the first time I’d ever done it.

The frequency of treatments depends on your skin type and condition (as well as how quickly you want results). If you’re looking for something long-term like me, then monthly or biweekly treatments may be right for you!

A few days after my appointment, my skin started looking really dry.

I was a little surprised at my aesthetician’s reaction to my dryness, but she assured me that this was a normal side effect of the microdermabrasion. She recommended a daily moisturizer with SPF 30 and an anti-aging eye cream to help with crow’s feet around my eyes. If you can swing it, I would also recommend picking up some hydrating face masks so that you can give yourself an at-home spa day on occasion.

A few days after my appointment, my skin started looking really dry—so much so that when I went into work for the weekend shift at the bookstore (which is where I work part time), one of my coworkers asked if I had gotten microdermabrasion somewhere else! Like most people who get their faces sandblasted off with tiny particles of aluminum oxide crystals, I had no idea how much damage could be done from such a seemingly gentle procedure.

Peels can be good for your skin but they can also do damage.

Peels are a great way to get rid of blackheads and other blemishes, but they can also do damage. If you’re thinking about getting a peel from your aesthetician, be sure that the aesthetician is experienced with your skin type. A facialist who doesn’t know how to deal with your specific type of skin can cause more harm than good in the long run.


Maybe you’ve considered getting a peel to get rid of your blackheads, but aren’t sure if it’s worth it. If so, you’re in the right place! The truth is that peels can be good for your skin but they can also do damage. I recommend doing a patch test first and always follow up with your aesthetician before getting another procedure done.

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